What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third molars. Normally people have three permanent molars that develop in each quadrant of the mouth; upper, lower, right and left. The first molars usually grow into the mouth at around six years of age. The second molars grow in at around age 12. The third molars usually will try to grow in at around age 17 to 21 years. Since that is considered to be the age when people become wiser, third molars gained the nickname, “wisdom teeth.” Actually, they are no different than any other tooth except that they are the last teeth to erupt, or grow into the mouth. They are just as useful as any other tooth if they grow in properly, have a proper bite relationship and have healthy gum tissue around them. Unfortunately, this does not always happen.
As humans evolve and our diets change over time, it has become more common for people to be missing some or all of their third molar teeth. Because our overall facial and head dimensions have also gradually changed, many of us simply do not have the room to allow these third molars to erupt into the correct position. As a result these teeth often become ‘impacted’ leading to an increased risk of infection because of difficulties in cleaning.
It is often recommended that in such cases, the third molars are extracted to improve cleaning and maintenance of teeth immediately next to these and to prevent decay and damage to these teeth over time.