About Your Teeth Dental Materials

Q & A's

What are dental amalgam fillings made of?

Dental amalgam is a mix of metal (also known as an alloy) that is made by combining mercury, silver, tin, copper, and sometimes other metallic elements. When your dentist determines that you have a cavity in a tooth, he or she will tell you that you need a filling. But what exactly will your dentist […]

Are amalgam fillings still a good choice for restoring a decayed tooth?

Because amalgam fillings can withstand a lot of chewing, they are useful especially for restoring molars in the back of the mouth, where the chewing load is greatest. They also are good in areas that are hard to keep dry, such as in deep fillings below the gum line. Amalgam fillings, like other filling materials, […]

Is dental amalgam safe?

Although dental amalgam continues to be a safe, commonly used restorative material, there have been some concerns because it contains mercury. However, because the mercury in amalgam is combined with other metals, it is safe for use in filling teeth. Major U.S. and international scientific and health organizations, including the National Institutes of Health, the […]

How is a dental composite placed?

Following preparation, the dentist places the composite in layers, typically using a light specialized to harden each layer. When the process is finished, the dentist will shape the dental composite to fit the tooth. The dentist then polishes the composite to prevent staining and early wear.

Why do dentists use dental amalgam?

Dental amalgam has withstood the test of time, which is why it is the material of choice. It has a 150-year proven track record and is still one of the safest, durable and least expensive materials used to a fill a cavity. It is estimated that more than 1 billion amalgam restorations (fillings) are placed […]

What are the advantages of composite fillings?

Aesthetics is one of the main advantages of composite filings, since dentists can blend shades to create a color nearly identical to that of the actual tooth. Composites bond to the tooth to support the remaining tooth structure, which helps to prevent breakage and insulate the tooth from excessive temperature changes.

Are amalgam fillings safe?

Dental amalgam is made from a combination of metals that include mercury, silver, tin, and copper. Sometimes described as “silver-colored” fillings, dental amalgam has been used by dentists for more than 100 years because it lasts a long time and is less expensive than other cavity-filling materials such as tooth coloured composites or gold fillings. […]

Should I replace my amalgam silver fillings with white plastic composite fillings?

Large clinical studies have found that the need for replacement of composite and compomer restorations was significant higher than for amalgam fillings. It is not uncommon for amalgam fillings to last over thirty years. The larger a filling the ore likey it is to fail due to mechanical loading over time. In general, metal fillings […]