About Your Teeth Gum Disease Archives - Page 2 of 2 - About Your Teeth

Q & A's

Can my general dentist treat my gum disease?

The general dentist usually detects gum disease as part of his routine dental check up. Many dentist treat gum disease it in the early stages. Some general dentists have acquired additional expertise to treat more advanced conditions of the disease however, more advanced conditions are usually treated by a specialist in gum disease management – […]

What does periodontal treatment involve?

In the early stages of gum disease, the gums bleed on brushing and may appear puffy and swollen. Most treatment involves a special cleaning process called scaling and root planning, which removes plaque and tartar/calculus around the tooth and smoothes the root surfaces of the teeth. Antibiotics or antimicrobials may be used to supplement the […]

What other factors are associated with gum disease?

Yes. Genetics is also a factor, as are lifestyle choices. A diet low in nutrients can diminish the body’s ability to fight infection. Smokers and spit tobacco users have more irritation to gum tissues than non-tobacco users, while stress can also affect the ability to ward off disease. Diseases that interfere with the body’s immune […]

What is gum disease?

Gum disease, or periodontal disease is a chronic inflammation and infection of the gums and surrounding tissue. It is the major cause of about 70 percent of adult tooth loss, affecting three out of four persons at some point in their life. Periodontal diseases include gingivitis and periodontitis.

What causes gum disease?

Bacterial plaque – a sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on the teeth – is recognized as the primary cause of gum disease. If plaque isn’t removed each day by brushing and flossing, it hardens into a rough, porous substance called calculus (also known as tartar).Toxins produced and released by bacteria in plaque irritate the […]

How can I maintain gum treatment at home?

Sticking to a regular oral hygiene regimen is crucial for patients who want to sustain the results of periodontal therapy. Patients should visit the dentist every three to four months (or more, depending on the patient) for spot scaling and root planing and an overall exam. In between visits, they should brush at least twice […]

Are people with diabetes at higher risk for developing gum disease?

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, diabetes affects nearly 24 million people in the United States. The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) encourages those with diabetes to pay extra attention to their oral health. Studies have shown that those with diabetes are more susceptible to the development of oral infections and […]

What are the warning signs of gum disease?

Warnings signs of gum disease include red, swollen or tender gums, bleeding while brushing or flossing, gums that pull away from teeth, loose or separating teeth, pus between the gum and tooth, persistent bad breath, a change in the way teeth fit together when the patient bites and a change in the fit of dentures. […]

Gingivitis vs Gum Disease: What’s the Difference?

Eighty percent of American adults and a similar percentage of Australians have some form of periodontal (gum) disease. The early symptoms are usually painless, so many adults who are at risk do not recognise the signs and stages and are therefore hiding a potentially destructive and debilitating condition. “Gum disease is a silent tooth killer […]