About Your Teeth Oral Health Archives - Page 4 of 5 - About Your Teeth

Q & A's

What drinks harm hard dental enamel?

As summer temperatures rise so will people’s thirst. Unfortunately, many people will grab a carbonated drink or iced tea instead of water. It isn’t just coke’s empty calories – about 150 per 350ml can – you should worry about. Many of these beverages harm enamel, the protective shell around teeth. Exposing dental enamel to carbonated […]

Are there any side effects to using mouth rinses?

Yes, there can be side effects to using mouth rinses and they can vary depending on the type of rinse. Habitual use of antiseptic mouthwashes that contain high levels of alcohol (18 to 26 percent) may produce a burning sensation in the cheeks, teeth, and gums. Many rinses with more concentrated formulas can lead to mouth […]

Why is saliva so important in the fight against bad breath?

Saliva is the key ingredient in your mouth that helps keep the odor under control because it helps wash away food particles and bacteria, the primary cause of bad breath. When you sleep, however, salivary glands slow down the production of saliva, allowing the bacteria to grow inside the mouth. To alleviate “morning mouth,” brush […]

Does bad breath come from other sources than the mouth?

Bad breath also may occur in people who have a medical infection, diabetes, kidney failure or a liver malfunction. Xerostomia (dry mouth) and tobacco also contribute to this problem. Cancer patients who undergo radiation therapy may experience dry mouth. Even stress, dieting, snoring, age and hormonal changes can have an effect on your breath. An […]

Stress and Your Teeth

Dentists routinely see oral symptoms of stress, including orofacial pain, cold sores and temporomandibular disorders (TMD). “At the first sign of oral pain or infection, it’s important to see your dentist,” says Academy of General Dentistry spokesperson Peter Bastian, DDS, MAGD. “These symptoms may be your mouth’s warning signs for more serious health risks.” Dentists […]

Expecting? Don’t Neglect Your Teeth

It’s a myth that calcium is lost from a mother’s teeth and “one tooth is lost with every pregnancy.” But you may experience some changes in your oral health during pregnancy. The primary changes are due to a surge in hormones – particularly an increase in estrogen and progesterone –- can exaggerate the way gum […]

Importance of Oral Health to Overall Health

Oral health means more than just an attractive smile. Poor oral health and untreated oral diseases and conditions can have a significant impact on quality of life. And in many cases, the condition of the mouth mirrors the condition of the body as a whole. Recent reports indicate a relationship between periodontal (gum) disease and […]

Should I use a mouth rinse?

Whether or not you should use a mouth rinse depends upon your needs. Many dentists consider the use of fluoride toothpaste alone to be more than adequate protection against cavities. Although anti-cavity rinses with fluoride have been clinically proven to fight up to 50 percent more of the bacteria that cause cavities, and most rinses […]

Gum Disease and Cardiovascular Health

Researchers are finding possible links between periodontal (gum) infections and other diseases throughout the body. Current studies suggest that there may be a link between gum disease and cardiovascular health. In fact, some research suggests that gum disease may be a more serious risk factor for heart disease than high blood pressure (hypertension), smoking, high […]